June 21, 2009

Spa Treatments For Expecting Moms

Spa Treatments For Expecting Moms

Exclusive Summary About Hot Tubs and Pregnancy by Danielle Campbell

Pregnancy comes with a roller-coaster ride of emotions - the excitement of bringing a new life into the world, the fear of whether the new child will be born healthy, and the frustration over swollen feet and favorite clothes that no longer fit. With nine months' worth of body changes and hormones raging, it's natural for pregnant women to seek some form of relaxation. The spa is a logical place to go to find some body-calming peace. However, pregnant women need to be careful about which treatments they receive. Consequences range from nausea in the mother to induction of labor of the baby.

Ann Douglas, a Canadian author of 27 pregnancy and parenting books, says the most important way to have a good experience at a spa with "a bun in the oven" is to let the spa workers know that you are pregnant. This way, they can ensure that you don't undergo treatments that could harm the baby.

Hot Tub Safety - Are Hot Tubs Bad For Your Health

Exclusive Summary About hot Tubs and Pregnancy by Alan Kenyon

As inviting and innocuous-looking as your Jacuzzi or hot tub may seem, using it for therapeutic purposes will require more precaution than you probably expect. The first rule is: if there are potentially bothersome health issues, talk to your doctor. There are bodily conditions that warrant some amount of prudence.

Most doctors will probably agree that it isn’t advisable for pregnant women to take too hot a bath. Who knows what injury the unborn baby may sustain if the mother’s body has gotten too warm? Pathogens in the water pose an added danger. Forgoing the delights of a hot tub until after giving birth and healing is a wise option many pregnant women take.

1 comment:

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Very nice post about spa treatment about expecting moms. Thank you for sharing.

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